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Hack Https password with the help of hack hippo "kidding shell script"

10 Oct 2012 | 0 comments

Today We are learn how to hack https packets in a network ?

Hack Https password with the help of hack hippo "kidding shell script" Download

1: first open script and select "Run in terninal"

2: Do you want to execute Wireshark when done? If yes, LEAVE BLANK> Hit Enter..

3: Do you want to extract pictures from the pcap via tcpxtract? If yes, LEAVE BLANK "> Hit Enter again

4: What interface to use? ie wlan0:eth0

5: Name of "Session"? (name of the folder that will be created with all the log files):hack hippo

6: Gateway IP - LEAVE BLANK IF YOU WANT TO ARP WHOLE NETWORK>enter your network getway ip

7: Target IP - LEAVE BLANK IF YOU WANT TO ARP WHOLE NETWORK:> enter your victim ip address

ok everything is done wait for your victim login....

    User https password

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